finger soccer

finger soccer
finger soccer

finger soccer
finger soccer

finger soccer
finger soccer

finger soccer
finger soccer

finger soccer
finger soccer
This adorable little game will let you play soccer whenever and wherever you like! It comes with two fun little finger soccer shoes, 2 mini soccer balls, a goalie, and a net. Just slip the little shoes on your fingers and start kicking!


This Finger Soccer Set will keep you occupied for the rest of your life!, Invite your three best buddies, put your boots on, and start "running" around the pitch! Bend it like Beckham, strike like Rooney or lose your temper like Zidane. Win the World Cup in your living room! “Goal! Goal! Goal!”

finger soccer

Extra value: While your right hand is scoring for England, your left hand is free to hold a bottle of chilled Stella Artois! Cheers!
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